Data from the GBT HI Survey Around M31
Spencer Wolfe, D.J. Pisano, Jay Lockman, Stacy McGaugh, and Ed Shaya

from NRAO Press Release
S. Wolfe PhD Thesis (WVU, 2014)
The final results of our survey around M31, both between M31 and M33 and
single deep pointings to the northwest of M31, are reported in S. Wolfe's PhD
thesis as Chapter 4. Other chapters discuss the mapping technique used, the
initial survey results, and a study of the high and intermediate velocity gas
seen by GASS. The thesis is available here.
GBT Memo
We describe our observing and reduction techniques in the following GBT memo. Also included is the GBTIDL code we use for our data reduction:
Conference Presentations
Wolfe et al. 2014
Lockman & Wolfe 2012 presented at the HI in Galaxies meeting in Green Bank, WV.
Wolfe et al. 2012
Our Survey around M31

The above image shows the regions we have mapped around M31 (to the northwest)
and M33 (to the southeast) overlaid on the Braun & Thilker (2004) total HI
intensity map from their WSRT total power survey around M31. The contours
are at log N(HI)=17.0, 17.3, 17.7, 18.0, etc.
up to log N(HI)=20.7. The "x" and "+" signs indicate where we did deep single
pointings (as part of project GBT12A-266). Plus signs indicate detections of
HI associated with M31, while crosses indicate non-detections. Typical
pointings had total integration times (on+off) of about 76 minutes.
Initial M31 Survey
As part of project GBT11B-51, Wolfe et al. (2013) presented the first 250 hours of our
400 hour survey of a 12 square degree region of the M31-M33 HI filament. The data cube from this paper is available for download here
A movie illustrating how these data compare to the original Braun & Thilker (2004) survey is available here.
Full 400hr Survey of GBT11B-051 Region
Below are the total HI intensity (moment 0; left) and HI velocity field
(moment 1; right) maps from the full 400 hour survey of the GBT11B-051
region (Wolfe 2014).
These new maps show that the clouds continue to grow to lower column densities
and reveal more details about their internal structure. A paper is currently
in preparation on these data and will appear here once it has been submitted
by mid-February 2015. Data on the other two mapped regions are currently
being reduced and will appear here as soon they are completed and ready for
Last Updated: July 10, 2015, DJP